Halford Hewitt 2011 – Report

An excellent first round win against Canford! A young team, with many  fine golfers Canford beat Epsom in the first round of last year’s Hewitt, and progressed only to lose to Charterhouse in the quarter finals. It was therefore extremely pleasing to beat them! Whilst our first pair limped home, our ‘rookie’ pair, David and Harry played some […]

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Halford Hewitt 2011 – Results

ROUND 1: Vs CANFORD 1st Pair: JC Davies & MJ Ferguson Jones 1up v MR Suggett & MJF Clarke 2nd Pair: D Hobden & H Millburn Fryer 4/3 v NRJ Pomeroy & PJL Steen 3rd Pair: AJ Whitty & CD Moore 6/4 v DJ Restall & NJA Gordon 4th Pair: W Porter & AE Kendrick 3/2 v JR Lovett & […]

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